Gossip kills community healing!

Gossip kills community healing!

Gossip in the Hebrew language is known as a triple murder. 

The person, the witness and the person of discussion are killed in essence by words. 

Telling the truth isn’t gossip. 

Gossip is talking about somebody for the purpose of telling their business or passing judgment: it’s intention is to negatively bias someone’s opinion of the person. 

Discussing your pain is necessary to process through the emotions. Talking about how people treat you is healthy and needed to remain in safe relationships. 

If your friend disrespects you, it needs to be addressed and resolved. If the behavior continues then the relationship is over. 

Trust is the foundation of functional relationships. 

You can not feel safe with someone who gossips, lies, denies, gaslights, minimizes, ghosts, or demonstrates abusive behaviors. 

It’s time to re-evaluate if you don’t feel safe in your home or at work or with friends. 

It’s not gossip to tell the truth. 

It’s not gossip to disclose abuse. 

It’s not gossip to create a safety plan and boundaries with unsafe people that other people help you keep. (you must have accountability) 

The reason there are still abusive marriages, friendships, relationships, job sites, churches, and leadership is because we stay silent. 

We don’t call out the abuse. 

We cover for the abuse and make excuses for it. 

We tell people they just need to forgive. 

That doesn’t work. 

Our silence is part of the problem. 

We need to have a hard line on abuse. 

We need to have safe places for victims. 

We need to have protocols for abusers. 

We need to understand trauma and what healing actually looks like (it isn’t healed by looking the other way) 

We need education. 

Please stop advising women to stay with their abuser. 

Please stop shaming mothers for being single as if it was their choice. 

Please stop enabling abusers by justifying their actions. 

The future generations are being raised without an understanding of basic brain science. A general knowledge of development and thinking abilities are mandatory for our world to create protocols around the basic understanding of our brain. 

We can not keep doing the same thing and expecting a different result. 

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Discover Healing

 I support human beings as they journey towards health and help them to create new routines to support healing until it becomes a natural way of living. The goal is to be fully aware and integrated with truth and to feel at ease in the world. 

Empowering Recovery